The film includes an erotic encounter between the two men. Score was made by cult erotic director Radley Metzger and tells the story of a happily married swinging couple (Claire Wilbur, Gerald Grant) who make a bet that they can seduce a couple of newlyweds (Lynn Lowry, Culver) during a weekend get-together at a luxury Riviera villa. Score (1974), a bisexual classic starring early gay porn superstar Calvin Culver, also known as Casey Donavan, will also be screened. While mostly screening straight films, other movies in the festival will include the lesbian-themed Safe is Desire, with director Nan Kinney in attendance for a discussion. The Porn Film Festival will run from November 11-28 and will feature a mix of live and virtual events. The event, which is part of the 2021 San Francisco Porn Film Festival, will also be available virtually to a worldwide audience. Robert Adams, the film's star, will appear in person at the Brava for a live Q & A with film historian Jenni Olson.
Unlike many adult films, Forbidden Letters is shamelessly romantic and lovely to look at. Bressan Jr.'s Forbidden Letters (1979) is an X-rated mood piece whose lead actors don't just have sex on camera, they make love. A long unseen gay cinema classic will screen at the Brava Theater on November 12 at 7pm.